
It is everything that Dead Island wishes it could have been.

It is everything that Dead Island wishes it could have been.

He just described why the article said it was semi-legal, he didn’t say he agreed with it.

I don’t think you read the article. It only says their design has changed.

There is an NSFW warning in the post in bold.

I don’t see a picture of him hitting on Gohan.

Yeah, that article doesn’t prove your case, if that is what you are thinking.

You showed me a picture of what it does right now.

Nothing you have said, or shown, proves what I asked you to prove.

That isn’t accurate. A minor can be held liable for damages in a contract in the US. There have been any number of successful lawsuits against minors under contract.

According to the rest of the court documents...

Science indicates that one’s brain isn’t fully developed until well into your 20's, so at that point... what is the real difference between suing a 17/18 year old and a 14 year old?

That would be Epic’s job, not Iceber’s.

I am curious, how did they unlawfully name and “shame” a child?

Prove it.

...but what if she was a ghost when he married her?

You have to admit, it is truly sad that it is difficult to make something better than that low-quality, unadaptable, nearly inedible cranberry jello.

You say that like people always lie when they have something to gain.

You are making claims at me. Claims that you aren’t substantiating.

I have kind of the opposite problem. I find yellow light to be sickly and depressing, so all of the bulbs in my house are “daylight” bulbs.

Ya damn right.