I can’t stand them, especially when an entire area is filled with them.
I can’t stand them, especially when an entire area is filled with them.
I can’t stand them, especially when an entire area is filled with them.
It isn’t changing or suspending the rules, it is deciding which ones apply based upon the situation. We do that all the time already.
That sounds irritating.
I dunno, that is only 3 reasons.
Since we don’t put up statues of Jesus, everyone’s gonna fall morally short.
I live in what is technically a suburb of Dallas and I would live in Dallas if it weren’t for three issues holding me back.
I wish every developer would follow suit, the guy is a complete asshole.
So, you think teenagers were unaware that hanging someone from their neck would just “hurt” a child? Yeah, no, I am not buying that. No teenager that is not developmentally disabled (and even some that are) would be unaware of that.
I disagree. At 14, you know better than to hang a child. Try them as adults with attempted murder.
I was under the impression that the end goal of society was to get rid of the need to work to live life and, instead, be able to live life with all of your wants and needs met... and you can do what you want to do with your life, including work if that is what you want.
Don’t call them “pro-lifers”. That isn’t what they are. They don’t give a shit about life outside of the womb.
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on...
There are a lot of variables that determine what kind of person someone ends up being and parental figures are one of them.
Sharia Law is evil but Canon Law is righteous.
I was happier when they removed the time limits from the game. I like to mess around sometimes and the time limited games were really not conducive to that.
Rick Perry, the guy who owned a hunting camp called “Niggerhead Ranch” for decades and made questionable remarks about Cliven Bundy and Dylan Roof.
It is entirely possible that the governor is asking them to do it, we don’t really have sufficient information. I don’t know if I would say it is likely... but the governor is a giant shithead so I can’t say it isn’t likely.
Funny, one would think that if I was telling you that, I would have said those things... and yet, if you look, you will notice that I did not, in fact, say those things.
Or how well the cult mentality works...