
Buuuuut, they still either do or do not believe a deity or deities exist.

I have always found it odd that the word even really exists. I mean, how many unproven things are there where we have a specific label for people who don’t believe it is true?

He does seem awful keen on the torture bit. Like, serial killer keen on it.

I am familiar with the different labels for it.

I could not agree more.

Yep, though I always say it as “The biggest difference between you and me is that my list of gods I don’t believe in is one longer than yours.”

His supposed methods say so much about his intelligence level if he does exist. I mean, his best ideas for solving problems are... drown the world, create a human avatar of himself to trick humanity into sacrificing to him so he can forgive them and the like. Clearly, he is not a mental giant.

Says who?

Says who?

So, specifically being the cause of immense despair, destruction and misery... is not evil?

Imagine how ignorant the world would be if everyone who was told that actually did it. Most of the scientific advancements we enjoy wouldn’t even exist.

Ok, what makes your translation accurate and mine inaccurate? Did you know the authors? Did you ask them what they meant?

I showed quite well that I do. Congratulations, you showed another translation. What makes your translation right and mine wrong?

So, evil... doesn’t mean evil?

Most translations disagree with you.

I can imagine.

You should care. People tend to try very hard to take a mile if you give them an inch. As such, we should not give them that inch. It only leads to bad things if you don’t believe whatever religion is taking it.

Oh man, Mississippi... you had it worse than me. At least my state has two large bastions of secularism... like Austin.

Oh come now, that just means they are from one of the Abrahamic religions. Well, if you are in the US, there is a very good chance they are Christian or some sort of offshoot like Mormonism...

I talk about it because I think talking about it is the only way to become a properly recognized and less hated group (although there sure are some out there who are assholes... but what group doesn’t have assholes?) so that we have a larger voice. So that we can be heard on more subjects and in politics so we don’t