
Drawing something and saying it is a child is not really the same thing as sexually molesting an actual child on tape, you know.

Respect is earned.

It was never changed, from a scientific point of view. They had always used both terms (and continue to) for two different things. Some of the original work on the subject were titled with Climate Change all the way back to the 50's.

Wish we would treat religions the same way. Not taxing them, when we tax everyone else, is essentially subsidizing them and I, for one, don’t care for it.

I guess we should ban everything that someone doesn’t like even when it doesn’t harm anyone other than, potentially, themself.

To be fair, once you give someone else your money... it isn’t “your money” anymore, now is it?

What type? USB-C?

What type? USB-C?

If you happen to live where they have good service, Sprint is just fine.

Yep, I participated in their beta testing or whatever for Vista, so they sent me a free copy of Vista Ultimate.

It was such a welcome change. Even the installation of the OS was a welcome change.

Oh, I know. I even kept up with them switching to a modified version of git.

I know how this will make me look, but that is fine.

And that day will be so great.

So, if it is anything like the previous generation, only a tiny portion of the games will run at 4k, let alone 60fps?

I take the person for less, not the argument. Unless I have had prior interaction with that person that has led me to believe that their argument would be pretty much worthless, that is.

Hm. If you say so.

That is nonsense. Calling someone names does nothing to invalidate an argument. It may lessen your thoughts towards the one doing the mocking (or improve them, depending upon your personality), but it does nothing at all to invalidate an argument being made. That is just stupid.

Uhhhh... are you trying to troll me?

Literally nothing in what I quoted, nor in my own comment, mentions a power port or plug whatsoever.
