
1. All claims must be proven. If you cannot prove it, then it cannot be accepted as correct. Simple as that. I don’t have to prove otherwise, that isn’t how the burden of proof works. For someone calling someone else ignorant, that is quite humorous.

1. Common sense is, quite frequently, incorrect. Prove your claim.

1. Oh, I understand the premise. I want you to prove the premise is correct.

No, there isn’t. Settling is settling. You are limited in some factor no matter how you play the game, the limiting factor itself is not important.

I sold phones during the contract era (and only during it). I am more than familiar with how they worked. I would rarely see deposits.


Poor credit rarely resulted in being declined or a deposit... and even then, it was essentially only Verizon that ever did either one. AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint all very, very rarely did this. There are many types of insurance, as well. The service provider insurance is hardly the only option... or the cheapest.

I need to demo and, as such, I will pirate it. Trying the game out for myself is the only way I will know, for sure, whether or not a game is fun for me. Watching someone else play it is absolutely not a valid indicator of entertainment for me, this is something I learned a long time ago.

I pirate things for one reason and one reason only.

I guess the easiest list would be:

Well, by that definition, nobody chooses the Mercedes either, they just “settle” for it because it is the best they can afford or find.

1. They can choose not to buy a smartphone. My “opinion” on choice is simply the definition of the word, so if it is odd... well, blame the people who defined the word, I guess.

iOS was buggy as well for a long time, it just wasn’t obvious about it. It didn’t tell users anything when it crashed or things like that, so people just assumed they did something. But that was not the case.

Learning to lucid dream has had the lovely side-effect of essentially rendering nightmares completely mundane for me. They can’t scare me anymore because anytime anything unnatural happens, it will automatically trigger the dream becoming lucid because I recognize it isn’t real.

Ehhh, if we were going by looks, I would probably buy the Camry over the E class. I find the E class pretty ugly (and the seats appear to be leather and fuck leather where I live, that stuff gets hot enough to burn you).

They chose to buy it, nonetheless. There were factors in their choice.. but who makes choices without factors influencing their decision in the first place?

The GUI changed, but the OS itself did not. It was perfectly functional and had more than enough features to be ready for primetime.

It does mean they bought it by choice... they chose to purchase it. I doubt someone was holding a gun to their head and telling them to buy an Android phone.

The OS had to be ready before the phone could be developed. It was already being tested for release in 2006.

Dreams and actual lucid dreams feel very different.