
Mock it all you like, but this is the exact reason I own games like Factorio (before it ever had a demo), Rimworld, Ark and many others. I would have never bought them if I had not gotten to properly try them first. It is the reason I pirate games still.

I personally updated the firmware on a brand new Xbox One bluetooth controller through the Xbox Accessories app on my Windows 10 machine just the other day.

I personally updated the firmware on a brand new Xbox One bluetooth controller through the Xbox Accessories app on

Funny, I beat Inquisition but I never did finish Witcher 3.

I have a single tab open and switch to what I want. I then open additional tabs if I have another site I want to check while not losing what I am on in the first one.

I rarely have more than 3 tabs open at any point in time.

Orrrrrrr... I could just, you know, continue using Chrome which does everything I want just as well as, if not better than, Vivaldi without having to do any annoying customization. Which, if you ask me, is better.

And in my experience, it performs no better and the UI is worse. I am aware of what it is built on. But simply being Chromium based does not a good browser make.

Because it has an all-around good set of features, performance and add-on support?

“Better” is subjective. I have used many different browsers at one point or another but I always end up back on Chrome. Others may be better in some random aspect, but none of them are quite the all-arounder that Chrome is for me. I want my browser to do everything I use it for well, not just parts of it.

I am kinda amused that you bring up that article, which says Malwarebytes was one of the programs with security issues, and then continue to use Malwarebytes.

Well, clean so far as you know.

They do add HFCS to a lot of bread in the US.

How much were these people getting paid before compared to now? Don’t forget to include the other benefits of being high up in the church, those count as part of their salary in any fair comparison.

I remember reading the book when it wasn’t even a book like 14 years ago. Man, time sure flies.

If telling people what he has said is assassinating his character, is it really Gizmodo’s fault his character is “assassinated”?

That would likely because they are more true to the books. Not entirely true to them, but I can see why.

What else do you expect from a series of unfortunate events?

He essentially sacrificed his ability to use nen (“magical superpowers”) and all of his future potential. Kind of a one-off power specifically to kill one person because he was just that pissed off at him/it.

Roach never skips leg day.

It is right up there, you can go look. I did nothing hypocritical, like you are making a poor attempt at saying.