
If the popular vote doesn’t matter, then the president wasn’t elected democratically, was he?

10 movies up for the award, I have heard of 1 (Deadpool).

Wow more than a single line reply, I must have struck a nerve.

Yes, you are the only one seeing it because they look nothing alike.

Oh look, a sale to make my urine more fancy. Cool.

Oh look, a sale to make my urine more fancy. Cool.

I am quite familiar with it, actually. That is why I know it is a broken system and no longer serves its purpose... since its purpose is well over a century out of date.

I always laugh when I listen to these people. All that talk about the other side running for “safe spaces” when one of the primary purposes of their whole party seems to be to turn the entire country into a safe space for themselves. “Move out” indeed.

Oh shit, really? I thought that’s what you just did in your response.

You drop Scalebound but keep Halo Wars 2?

Only in a broken system would we say second place is the winner.

Under republicans, life isn’t a right... it is mandatory.

That is a whole lot of words to say “I think you are wrong, even though I have nothing to prove it.”

It is a wild animal. Unless you brought tranquilizers, you aren’t going to really be doing much other than telling the family to go inside as fast as possible before shooting that deer right then and there.

I would argue that it is easier to mouth platitudes and act nice than it is to be more open about your actual thoughts.

Just gonna put this right here..

Karma’s not real, friend. And no, I am not toxic. I am quite reasonable. Which I guess is your problem... that I rely on reason, not how I feel about something.

It required it? They killed a wild animal someone was feeding. Empathy was in no way required and could have, in fact, been detrimental.

Not tired, bored. You bore me. And if you can’t be bothered to google something as simple as “empathy for the sake of empathy”, here:

Yawn. Empathy for the sake of empathy is not a good thing and can, in fact, be harmful to society.

Well, considering he was suspended from Twitter for doing that stuff, it was, in fact, not allowed.