
Nothing wrong with being an asshole. It can help get things done that need to be done. This needed to be done and it was done.

Why should they have? Would it have helped them get their job done?

Sometimes, you have to teach people something the hard way. Perhaps their actions were for the best in the long run.

Not every situation requires empathy. Sometimes, you gotta do something even though it is unfortunate. Welcome to life.

Can you imagine how Netflix would have fared if they had charged $1.25 an hour for streaming movies/tv?

If you are having that much trouble with the software, I feel like the problem might be the user...

That might work in some houses, others might be better off using the closet in the entry if it has it. Depends, really.

What about a house in Texas, where basements essentially don’t exist?

Uh, actually, it is two articles by two different writers.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be 4 years. We could figure out something to get him removed from office.

He is only the president for four years if we can’t figure a way to get him out before those years are up.

She mattered the most because she was the democratic candidate and was the only real option to vote for unless you actually wanted Trump to win.

I didn’t overlook anything. At the end Bernie lost the primaries, regardless of how it happened (and there is nothing to really suggest any fixing, whatever it was, actually changed the results), and Hillary won. At that point, continuing to support Bernie was nonsensical. He was not an option. There was only 4

My guess is that Apple’s networking team had dwindled over time and they didn’t make enough money to keep up with it with the technology moving fast all of a sudden these days with all the new mesh stuff and the like.

And that is literally false.

Gonna need citations for everything you claimed.

Deep dish is a casserole rather than a pizza.

As far as I am concerned, the overarching “best interest” should be to represent the largest segment of the population we can. It is not possible to fairly represent every single segment of the population, so the only logical consideration should be the largest segment or segments. It may not be the most “moral”

There are only three sets of people who helped bring Trump to his current position.

Linksys actually has an automatically updating router?