
I know, your responses are pathetic. Nice of you to agree.

Though I think the one who missed the original point of the comment chain, while claiming the other missed it, is the pathetic one. This whole chain has amused me greatly.

I can do this literally all day.

Was it not clear the first time?

This would be you missing the point.

I didn’t miss the point, you commented it wouldn’t work for their employees and I said they wouldn’t be using that version. I was correcting your inaccuracy. I didn’t engage the point at all.

They own the OS and they can reboot it automatically for updates, I believe that is in the terms you agree to when you use it.

Enterprise copies work a bit differently, you know.

Uh, yeah, they do. It is part of the license. You might want to read it.

True... but you are an extreme minority.

It warns you multiple times for quite a long while before rebooting, so if you ignore them long enough that it reboots without warning... that is entirely your fault for not paying attention or not setting the “Not in use” hours so it doesn’t reboot when you use it.

Well, that kind of setting kinda resulted in bad things with every previous version of Windows, so I don’t blame them for removing it. It makes more sense not to.

Uh, no, he never said that, for one thing.

Society holds precious little value, mercy or common decency to almost anyone, mentally ill or not. Some are more stigmatized than others, whether deservedly so or not, and that is just how life is. Should it be better? Probably. Will it get better? Well... I am going to honestly err on the side of “probably not.”

more like you are being a little bitch that cant accept defeat.

Based on their declining sales, probably not.

Considering their sales, I think there are orders of magnitude more people who don’t care about Apple machines than those who love them...

Ah. That is fine, I didn’t pay attention to the names because I slept horribly last night so my attention paying abilities are somewhat impaired, hah.

Crazy. It is a shame so many great things are inside these cities because I think I would go insane if I had to live in one.

you are assuming he has more lost companies without any proof you moron.