
I disagree.

Having childlike wonder (and possibly intelligence) is not really illegal...

The complete overreaction makes it pretty damned funny to me.

I wouldn’t even be certain the city I live in has 240 lights to hit.

I may go a step further and say all of them are.

voted for Stein, asshole.

Why the need for it?

Essentially, net neutrality is “all data is equal” rather than “data is unlimited”.

I will check it out. Ah, the benefits of having apps work on PC too...

I had a Windows 8/8.1 tablet made by Dell for a while, it was great... if someone would make a decent manga reading software like MangaRock on Android/iOS I would jump on another Windows tablet. But reading manga or books are basically the only things I do on a tablet, so while it has ok epub reading software it is

Yeah, cats love to play with the weirdest things. Mine just loves twist-ties or zipties. Doesn’t eat them, just chases them around and throws them in the air. Also really likes to open the doors on my entertainment center and then... walk away. I have no idea why.

That isn’t surprising, I am fairly certain there are more feline apex predators than canine. Amazingly competent group, felines.

I am happy with my one indoor cat. He was neutered before I got him.. and, sadly, declawed too. He was declawed by whoever gave it to the shelter while he was a kitten. He has a whole house to wander around in but he tends to stay in the same room with me.

Or you could do it the smart way and eat boneless wings instead. You know, the only ones worth eating?

Cats are great, terrible owners are the ones who are the worst.

If Vista couldn’t hurt Microsoft, Windows 8 could do nothing.

4 years is a long time to go without an update let alone 10. If they didn’t bother updating it for 10 years then nobody would be buying them, hardware changes way too much in that kind of time frame for any company to get away with that.

I feel like your tune would be very different if Apple had made the product instead.

Any system where, by default, someone’s vote is worth less than someone else’s because they live around more people is a system that is inherently faulty and needs to be discarded.

And it seems like he is joking.