
I, personally, would report them... and would be entirely forthcoming about who it was that did it.

Not nearly as much good as would be done if they stopped existing.

How can I turn this 5 second bit of humor into 43 seconds of meme-tastic annoyance?

So, you want me to donate money to prevent a pipe that isn’t on their land from being built?

Huh, weird. The decade (well, almost) I worked in retail taught me quite well that the number of assholes in the world is almost certainly higher than the number of nice people.

He looks vaguely similar to the character in a whopping one of those photos. The rest aren’t even close.

He moves like a Chuck-e-Cheese animatronic animal.

But they are also essentially all Christian (of some variant) too.

Empathy for the sake of empathy tends to be heavily biased and, ultimately, non-beneficial to society.

I played basically every single game of this genre and not a single one of them was setup so that tweaking a rollercoaster can make or break such a thing. Not a single one.

I was a patriot, once... then GWB got into office and man did that sink that feeling so quick I almost got whiplash.

More than a few of us understand.

Could just tell them that, according to the bible, they have a greater than 99% chance of going to hell too, so does it really matter why you go?

I don’t think I would consider a tasteless, immature joke to be the same as “treating women’s bodies as a commodity to be consumed”.

Maybe, I don’t know, don’t call other people fools when acting like one yourself?

I do. I don’t see how it applies, though.

Sounds like you should live in an HOA controlled neighborhood, then? Since the whole point of those is other people deciding what you can do with your own property.

That is life. If it is their property, and there is no legal issues preventing it, they are free to do what they want with it. I stand by what I said.

I am of the opinion that trying to force someone to treat their own property the way you want it treated is the asshole move.

The PC version is no better, Morrowind was an awful game. I don’t get the praise at all.