
How anyone who considers themselves a decent human being can feel nostalgia for a time when a portion of the population was considered no better than animals I will never know.

Well, I guess grabbing them by the pussy and molesting them, not to mention talking bad about them constantly while still trying to fuck every single one that moves, including his daughter, isn’t sexist. Well, alrighty then.

You clearly need to read the rest of my comments in this thread because I have already thoroughly put forward information about your nonsense here.

No, if something is essentially impossible, it is not particularly worth the effort. It would be easier to build my own rocket and fly to the moon than to change the constitution in this country.

There isn’t much point in complaining about the electoral college. It is a constitutional thing and that is possibly the most difficult thing to change in this country. Many people consider it akin to some kind of holy document, which makes altering it a nightmare at the best of times.

Well, we are a democratic/constitutional republic, first of all, but the electoral college is anything but democratic.

“Fair and square” is... debatable. I, for one, would not consider the candidate who got less votes winning “fair and square”, but that is just me.

No surprise that the guy who made Trump University wants to get rid of the Department of Education.

Repealing NCLB would go further than removing the whole department.

Well, sure, in theory we could do that without federal interference... but we never did before the federal government “interfered” (though not really in the ways you and Trump seem to think). So your point is kind of moot when history in this country doesn’t support it.

Historically, using violence has been the most reliable method of deposing a terrible leader. So, uh... based upon history, it is a pretty reasonable response in that it is simply the most effective, and permanent, method.

There is no such thing as “Pro-Life”. There is only Pro-Choice and Anti-Choice.

If you will notice, I didn’t complain about anything. I said he isn’t known for being truthful and that saying something and doing it are two different things.

Claiming you will do something and actually doing it are two different things and considering Trump’s tendency towards not exactly being truthful... well, it is quite difficult to know exactly what he will do. Assuming, of course, he actually retains the Presidency and doesn’t end up impeached for doing something

I had that novel and it was just awesome as a kid.

Yeah, that is just how mudcrabs are. They hide in the mud.

...you are playing it with v-sync of some sort enabled, right? No higher than 60fps?

I would guess a lot of it is just standard Bethesda hate at the moment for their review changes the other week.

That should say “Never pay more than you are willing to pay for something.”

Kinda makes you wish they had some competition in the genre, doesn’t it?