
Their burgers are so bland that even McDonald’s tastes better and their fries are bland, even cajun style, unless you can convince them to cook them well done.

Shame Five Guy’s burgers and fries are utterly bland unless you can convince them to cook the fries well done and cajun style (the burgers can’t be saved).

Blizzard manages this with Diablo because, for some weird reason, it is fun to do this.

Of course you aren’t.

Still don’t care.

If you didn’t read them, how do you know whether or not there are insults in them? I mean, there aren’t any, so maybe you didn’t read them and you are just making shit up.

I don’t care who you support. I don’t care if you are voting. It could not matter to me less. If you are unwilling to learn that you are using a word incorrectly, then that says all that needs to be said about you.

Yes, in this situation, your vote is entirely irrelevant. Literally nothing is relevant except the fact that you are using the word “criminal” incorrectly.

You are condemning Hillary of things that Trump should also be condemned for. I have no intentions of voting, myself, because I don’t like having to choose between two bad options... but I am adult enough to acknowledge reality all the same.

Your opinions are utterly irrelevant. She could shoot someone in cold blood right in front of you and if she was not convicted then, by the definition of the word, she would not be a criminal.

So you prefer your corrupt scumbags to also be racist, sexist and potentially mentally deficit?

By definition, she is not a criminal. To be one she would have to be convicted of a criminal action which has yet to occur. If it does in the future then, sure, she is a criminal. But until that occurs, she is not one. Period.

Still isn’t related to SSD’s, though...

It makes sense depending upon how much you have to store. A 1TB SSD isn’t that big of a deal anymore and now that you bring RAID1 into it this really isn’t a consumer-level deal, is it? That isn’t particularly common for normal people.

That has nothing to do with SSD’s and everything to do with, well, not having a large enough OS drive.

I honestly don’t see what the first part of your comment has to do with the second.

This isn’t anti-consumer. Just because they aren’t specifically catering to every consumer whim doesn’t mean it is anti-consumer. It isn’t like something is either pro-consumer or anti-consumer, there is a neutral ground.

I don’t think you know what the word “objective” means.

But just because you say you are being honest this time... why would we believe you now?

I mean, is that Else statement really necessary?