
No, it looks like a phone. Exactly like a modern smartphone. It is no more a ripoff of an iPhone than my Panasonic TV is a ripoff of a Samsung or Sony one. They all look basically the same these days, this isn’t new or something.

I, for one, was not complaining (just stating a fact). I don’t particularly care, within reason, what size the bezels are so long as the ones on the side still exist. Hard to hold a phone if you can’t grip it.

At this point in smartphone history, it doesn’t look like an iPhone, it just looks like a phone.

It is weird that they are doing that, too, since the Nexus 6 had a tiny bezel on the bottom... most of it taken up by the bottom front speaker.

Huh. I didn’t care much about Firefly. Even gave it two shots to be sure.

Awww, you made it worse. Cilantro tastes like soap to me.

There aren’t enough drugs on the planet to make those palatable to me.

I would eat a whopping not a single damned one of those things.

The gif at the top makes me want to watch the movie even less than before.

I will when you do.

Well, then why are you arguing now? The topic has come up where you are ignorant, and yet here you stand arguing.

11 years later and I still remember this breaking. It was awful.

That is funny because I consider any movie that relies on jump scares with loud noises to scare people to not be a real horror movie. Because that shit isn’t scary. It might be startling, but it sure as hell isn’t scary.

Maybe spend less time arguing about things you know nothing about.

The two party system boggles my mind.

After a lifetime of being hot, I like being cold. I can always put on a bigger coat for the cold, the opposite does not remain true though.

I will take the cold to the heat any day of the week.

Every now and again we get a different season and it actually drops into the double digit temps, which is nice. Kinda unreliable, though.

Well, if this place didn’t contain every single person that means something to me, I would leave. But it does so... oh well, I will live.

Well, to be fair here, if you are a Trump follower, you aren’t a conservative... you are a regressive. Because that is what Trump is.