
Oh, I know that petition. That is the one that does no name checking and has had several tv/movie/cartoon characters that signed it.

A crash with damage like that will definitely have a good shot at destroying the communications hardware. It isn’t like they can store it in some indestructible box, wireless signals aren’t that good at, you know, passing through metal. Hell, all it would really need to destroy is the antenna, that should be enough to

The black box is where the data gets stored, the communication equipment isn’t a part of it. Considering what black boxes are generally made of... doesn’t really seem like a device that would build something like that in, since penetration of those materials by the wireless signal would be pretty abysmal at best.

You find it hard to believe that the device responsible for the data connection was destroyed even when seeing the wreckage of the car?

Ads have been a vector for malware exploitation more than once in the past, even through reliable websites, and that is simply an unacceptable risk for me. I will consider no longer blocking ads when this is no longer a potential issue.

Let me know when it is no longer possible for those ads to install malware just by loading the ad. Then we can talk about things.

I only date women, not really an applicable question for me.

This is kind of taking a bit of an odd turn...

More than half of my life was lived prior to 9/11, buddy, I know exactly what it was like before it. My innocence was gone before 9/11 ever came about.

That would be a lot less funny if I didn’t have more than one friend who thinks 2 minutes is a pretty good job rather than the break to get something to drink....

That is nice. Maybe quit hanging onto events from 15 years ago and get on with life?

I never said Atheism had anything to do with it, it was merely an example of another point of view I hold that is widely disparaged.

Funny, I would consider only caring about deaths directly related to you would be more of a lack of empathy.

Not exactly. My position is that if you are going to say that 3,000 people dying is a tragedy, then should not every day be a tragedy? Treating some lives as special implies that other lives are worth less, which is something I don’t care for at all. Either all lives are special and should be treated equally... or

It has been a decade and a half. Quit living in the past, move on with life.

I understand it, I simply don’t agree with it. It implies that some lives are worth more and I don’t care for that implication.

Concept of death? Death is the cessation of life. Not much of a concept. As for humanity, who determines what humanity is? You?

Chiropractic stuff boggles my mind. Do people not know one guy literally made it up as he went along? A quack, none the less? A guy who, before he made up chiropractic, practiced spiritual and magnetic healing?

No link necessary, it is simply accepting life for what it is, not what we think it should be. Will mourning for a decade and a half change things? Will it make it so it doesn’t happen again? Will it bring back the dead? Does it kinda make it seem like the many, many more dying every day since then matter less just

I would be over it, it was a decade and a half ago. Everyone dies, people rarely get to choose when. That is life. You may not like it, but that remains true.