
Ah yes, patents... those are definitely proof someone invented something.

Heh, reminds of those “If Google was a Guy” videos...

Right? It almost makes me want to make a second account and use it with a bot just to spite them.

And the smallest mainstream Windows OEM sells more every year.

Then what you said still makes no sense.

No, he didn’t. His contributions to A/C were either minor... or probably stolen (like his famous polyphase motor, which was almost certainly copied from Ferraris). His contributions to communication are negligible at best, mainly because he didn’t really understand how things worked. It is amazing he did what he did

Since Kinja kinda sucks, I have no context on what this is for so... I have no response besides “That makes no sense.”

OSX has a fraction of the userbase. Different situations require different measures.

I love Skyrim, I always get sidetracked.

Sounds like you have job security. Congratulations.

Sorry, but this is just silly denial. Windows has always been more vulnerable to attacks than competing OSs. Yes, it also gets targeted more, but any computer security expert can tell you that they also make it remarkably inviting to hackers, which is because they’re too open compared to Apple’s walled garden

For the majority, mandatory updates are a good thing. At my last job, more than a few of the people I helped needed only one thing to fix their problem... run Windows Update and update. With mandatory updates, my team would have had hundreds of fewer calls a week... and a whole lot of people would not have had to pay

I haven’t seen any sign of those going down. Windows is constructed in a manner that makes it open for exploiting. Keeping so much of the system’s security under the wraps is a a central problem in that respect — it’s so much cheaper to stay silent and only react after the damage is done than to preemptively fix

I am aware of how it currently works. I was specific about important updates because they are, well, important. I have no opinion about the non-important stuff.

There are a lot of things that shouldn’t have problems. But OS updates are not one of them. All OS’s have these problems. Windows, OSX, Linux, Android, iOS... you name it. No matter how good you are, you cannot possibly test everything. Sometimes things get missed, it happens. When you have billions of computers

So, you want Microsoft to do... what no other OS does?

Honestly, the ability to turn off updates important updates should never have existed in home versions of Windows in the first place. But then, the internet wasn’t exactly as prolific as today even half a decade ago, so it is what it is.

It probably has a higher customer satisfaction rate than any other desktop OS, at that.

Their updates cause less problems now than at almost any point in history. Nobody else in the industry has to deal with the same amount of stuff they do with their updates, they can’t possibly test every single iteration of everything to make sure it works. That simply isn’t feasible.

Microsoft let customers decide how updates worked on their computers for decades... and look where it got them. Tons of malware, botnets and more running on Windows machines that people haven’t bothered to update because the users don’t even know what updates are half the time.