Next time you troll, maybe be a bit less obvious about it?
Next time you troll, maybe be a bit less obvious about it?
Piracy isn’t theft, no matter how much you don’t like it.
Windows is dead simple (and extremely fast) to reload if they have at least Windows 8+. They built in a whole “refresh”/”reset” thing into the OS that is kept up to date whenever you download updates, no disk/usb/download needed so long as you can at least get to the “Advanced Restart” screen or into Windows itself.
And yet, for some reason, Denuvo games... don’t talk about their sales numbers.
DRM has never been shown to actually increase sales (as a recent example, the latest Fifa game had Denuvo and it took a long while to get “cracked” and EA has gone out of their way to not show any real sales numbers, what does that tell you?)... and not having DRM at all has never been shown to decrease sales.
What viruses on their own update servers? I haven’t heard of any such thing.
It is sad you think only kids are pirates and that you think it is all about money.
Not including more customization options isn’t racist... that makes no sense.
A lot of the problems could be solved with a massive overhaul of the whole cert. system. I mean, we both know that almost certainly won’t happen... but it should.
They do QA, but just because they have done it doesn’t necessarily mean they can fix every single thing they find before having to going gold due to time constraints. Then they spend the rest of the time they have fixing as much as they can before launch, resulting in a day one patch.
Because even digital has the same certification stuff on consoles?
Polygon did the same thing when they posted his article, too. Added in a NMS screenshot and video in the middle of the article.
The “gold” version of a game can be upwards of several months old for consoles, would you prefer the developers just twiddle their thumbs for 1-4 months after it becomes gold? Or would you rather they finish making the game what they wanted it to be for launch during that time?
You think the day 1 patch stuff is because they are lazy?
It is all bureaucracy man. It is just how certification works on consoles, the developers don’t like it any more than we do. You think they want to have to send off a copy of the game months before launch to get it certified so they can actually release it? They would obviously prefer something like Steam, where that…
Right? By that logic, World of Warcraft has been unfinished for over a decade.
Uh, they have told you what it is? It is a space exploration game with some combat, trading and the like? Everyone exists within the same Universe (supposedly, anyway, there may be more than one I guess) so you can theoretically run into someone else... but the odds are that you probably won’t see anyone else very…
Maybe try the company that made Ori and the Blind Forest?
I see what you are getting at.