
I didn’t need to Google it. I happen to have the appropriate section of our law code in my bookmarks.

I won’t call it theft because I am not a moron. Maybe you should try it sometime?

For what is commonly called piracy, no... you will not go to prison for it. Well, not in the US anyway.

1. Doesn’t matter if it is a legal forum or not, calling it theft is flat out wrong.

So, our free speech with restrictions is free because you say it is, but their free speech with restrictions isn’t free because you say it isn’t?

So your argument here depends on semantics?

And if the definition of “water” changes? What if we decide something other than H2O is water?

Of course it is, because it isn’t science :D

Well, we can determine that it has always had that composition (as far as we can tell), and probably always will... but we don’t have the information to say it always will. We operate under the assumption it will, but we cannot say that with absolute certainty.

Science doesn’t deal in absolutes. It doesn’t deal in certainty.

Uh, no, the whole point of science is to verify the accuracy of things as best we can. Science does not deal in absolutes, period.

Like science, I don’t take an absolute stance in things.

I need to ask...

Get it into consumer electronics.......WELL DUH!!!!!!

I could have worded that better to indicate that Gorilla Glass did exist at the time, but had no idea what to do with it.

Does that mean you should be given discounts on healthcare that was likely directly responsible for your childs degenerative illness?

Yes, but you said that Apple is the reason that Corning made Gorilla Glass, which is flat out wrong. They had already made it, and were working on getting it on things like phones and watches, before Apple came along.

Stealing is taking someone else’s property without permission or legal right without intent to return it.

The law does not consider it stealing. It considers it copyright infringement.

The UI is way too distracting, like they want you to pay attention to the UI rather than what is going on.