
I don’t think you’re reading what I’m saying very closely, which is why you don’t understand the argument I’m making.

I thought about that too and hope it is something that can come to fruition.

If peaceful negotiation fails, like it did in this case, and the robot is remotely controlled by a human... then sure, I see no logical or rational reason why not.

You are arguing that because it is popular (grown to such a size and controls so much of the market) that they should be considered in the same way a government entity is (like a common carrier or public accommodation) and they should have to follow a set of rules that don’t allow them to abridge freedom of speech

It is the worst idea ever... but I will still watch it at some point just because it is the worst idea ever. Curiosity is a terrible thing.

Yes, it would be fine if they did not allow black users. It would be fine if they stopped allowing people to post anything about Donald Trump whatsoever.

I watched the first episode of this show and it was all I needed to see to know I would not be watching this.

Yes, they should be allowed to. They are not a government entity, the freedom of speech does not apply to them.

No, they should not have an obligation to do that. They should have a choice.

I would work for Elon “Scorpio” Musk.

Uh, modern Windows systems don’t suffer from this either. This hasn’t been an issue since XP, man, get with the times.

If you’re going to slam a project for sharing the Gospel, Good News, and the love God has for His creation then take this into consideration

Alright, now put 8 creationists into it who have never sailed in a boat before, set it out to sea in a storm and watch what happens.

And that is why reading comprehension is important.

Same. Normal farming probably is more “cost effective” at the moment, but, well... it has had literally thousands of years to get to that point. Vertical farming, on the other hand, is relatively recent. Maybe start subsidizing vertical farming too?

What are you sorry for?

According to that page, about the size of golf balls so... not even close to the show.

I have played both.

I will let others do the speaking for the more in-depth information (as others have already begun to), I was simply speaking about the pure logic that using less space, vastly less water and less poison all with only the increased cost of an infinitely renewable (as far as we are concerned, anyway) resource

Oh good, I am not the only one who saw it and immediately thought “Tera?”