To be fair, VR has been “the next big thing” for nearly 2 decades... and it still isn’t.
To be fair, VR has been “the next big thing” for nearly 2 decades... and it still isn’t.
Being a Capcom game, it may well be on Steam. The rest of the series is.
I mean, you do know those things got shut down because of a lack of users, right?
Let me know when Logitech comes out with a mechanical version of their Wave keyboard... then I might be interested.
Let me know when Logitech comes out with a mechanical version of their Wave keyboard... then I might be interested.
To be fair, you can sit down on the couch and play PC games on a big ass screen too. That isn’t, you know, a console exclusive ability after all. My main gaming PC is attached to a tv.
I don’t see the console gamers who aren’t doing that trying to stop the ones that are.
Good lord, grow the hell up. People like a different console than you, get over it. “Better” is subjective.
You could do what I have done for anything I have on Steam (or elsewhere) that doesn’t have cloud saves... I used GameSaveManager to move the save folders to my OneDrive folder and create symlinks so nothing is disrupted. Keeps all of my saves automatically backed up through OneDrive.
Orrr, you know, wanting to get everyone onto a single codebase for security updates and the like?
Something must have been screwed on your install because I haven’t had any such problems on mine that I have used daily to play games since launch. Even, shockingly, AAA titles at launch (and non-AAA titles).
I have no trouble downsampling on Windows 10 with my nVidia card (well, “dynamic super resolution”... but same thing).
Or money-saving agenda. Getting everybody onto one codebase for updates saves a lot of time and money.
A 7 year old OS is ancient. XP was 6 years old when Vista came out.. and Vista was only 2 years old when 7 showed up.
Doesn’t seem to confuse people that much anymore with phones.
I watched a Highlight Reel from Kotaku that contained Overwatch in it, I am already burnt out on the game without even playing it or seeing anything else.
Driving big trucks through buildings to kill people was a blast in RF:G. Just a blast.
I don’t know, I think the existence of religion in general may contest that.
TS2 and TSFP are the second and third (a number which remains at three) FPS games I ever unlocked everything in. Goldeneye was the first.
In the 90's, people were paid to test games.
Who determines what is and is not respectable? I mean, if I don’t find the game fun, is that not a failure on the part of the game?