
It only took reading 2 comments for the stupid retarded liberals to blame Trump... Nice job imbeciles way to keep it civil.

We need more camo! Americans love camo... then put over the top neon orange accents on it to look futuristic! you know what... nvm let’s go DUCK HUNTING!

You’re expecting too much... Americans don’t know shit about history to realize how fucking stupid they sound when they bitch about Nazis and you look at what they’re doing to the Middle East right now.

I knew the comments would be full of fucking idiot americans bitching... Keep killing people in the middle east because of “TERRORISM” while you bitch about the nazis... you really sound fucking smart... /facepalm

Knowing Nintendo they will be taking down those pictures unless they can get a cut of the profits.

Someone needs to learn what “famous” means...


When will you guys interview the dog? I hear he has alot of inside information

He was ever relevant like 2 seasons because of fantasy.. wasn’t much of anything.

It’s fucking gross but I dunno if he should be suspended or someshit for it... The german soccer national team coach a few months ago was caught scratching himself and sniffing his hand afterwards, everyone mocked him for it (rightfully so) but i don’t think they suspended him for it. It’s fine to shit on him, but

I blame the white one!

If it was a “FAD” It lasted longer than the 3D & Motion Controls, so cudos to them for sticking with it as long as they did. Personally I’m fine with 1 screen. I think most gamers will be too.

Are humans dating Pokémon now??

CNN should take this approach. Every time they have one of their phony reporters tell us how Hillary is awesome and great and amazing. They should throw a cat on screen to distract us from the bullshit.

Is that another rant about how spaniards are “assholes” because they kill bulls? while his people enslaved an entire continent?... /yawn

Every animal has drawbacks, Cats want to kill you in your sleep. Dogs shit all over the carpet & Birds want to peck your eyes out.

Blame the Brexit! /laff

Ah, yes those TECH SAVVY DEMOCRATS would come in to save the day... fucking imbecile... that’s what you are.

Everytime I see this kind of shit I’m reminded “Why the fuck are our presidential options always some fucking white haired pieces of shit OLD GEEZERS” You’re about to drop dead, let us who still have MOST of our lives to live, make the decisions you fucks.

That’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in a battlefield game. Even above this: