
It’s just ugly looking...

%90 of the people buy a Battlefield game mostly for the MULTIPLAYER. Talk about the maps, the class changes... you know the things that would get them interested on what they’re going to mostly focus on. Is the single player great? Sure... I suppose but every other one has been so fucking lack luster that finally

The social justice angle is very important because...

This is what makes men angry in america now a days... that their pussy ass fucking fantasy team lost... just cut your balls off, wuss!

basically white = bad, black = good.

Just as asinine as calling the depiction of racism in a low tier game as “trump supporters” but hey w/e helps you sleep in that bubble.

Well GTA5 is an actually good game... Mafia 3 needs these cliches and bullshit stories to gain any steam.

Acceptance is the first step to fixing it.

I said this before, as a non white this game made me cringe.

I’m sure Hillary will put these scumlords in jail then force Obamacare down their throats!

This isn’t just Japan it’s latin america too, you can see it in Mexico and alot of Central American countries catching on as a money making opportunity.

because people need something to bitch about and nintendo is good to bitch about

I don’t think you know the meaning of the word lazy...

Ah ofcourse not even 20 comments and already more than half of them are of self righteous fucking Americans “HOW DARE THESE JAPANESE FREAKS!” /yawn

Are controllers no longer cool? what happened here...

This is turning into a donald trump chase... “he might have raped those women, who knows... let’s run with it!”


Good Job Youtube... for once?... god that feels dirty & weird...

They already said a Pokemon game would be released 6 months after console launch... so... yeah... not going by what they claimed...