
As opposed to %90 of the world where it’s “whenever i can get my hands on her”

I have a female friend who watches anime (the only one I know in RL that actually does) she’s the stereotype of many anime tropes with the “I’m into BL doujins” joke. She’s even gotten me to watch a few... I don’t like it, don’t care for it, I think it’s silly... but I would NEVER sit here and tell her or anyone “GET

Yeah that last one was a killer, it’s like when trump said the jail comment to hillary during the debate. Mic Drop moment! BEOTCH!

What is it with War games and animals...

%30 stronger console for the price increase seems worth it to me even if you don’t have 4k the boost is worth it.

%30 stronger console for the price increase seems worth it to me even if you don’t have 4k the boost is worth it.

I’ve pretty much started to unfollow all of the Battlefield 4 youtubers... They’re basically doing promotion for the game because they’re getting invited to private events, no longer being objective about its shortcomings just flat out hyping the game up... can’t take them seriously anymore.

Solid deal if the pro wasn’t coming out in a month.

Solid deal if the pro wasn’t coming out in a month.

Son: Hey Mom I’m the #1 Player in Overwatch!!!

Believe me, I know the feeling!

Meanwhile when anything Xbox Related launches:

I’d cook that rabbit in a stew for shaming me and my whole family...

Show me the birth certificate then!

Nintendos next console will be a flip phone. “see it’s a handheld!”

It’s also about 10 years back to still be using “jabroni”

Sexist, Misogynistic & Locker Room Talk!

I see you never miss a show on msnbc.

More or less women than Bill Clinton? I’d like to know their tally combined.

Why would i want an old famicom when I can have the new mini & sit 2 inches from my TV holding that baby sized controller!

This is when a war could still be called a war... now it’s just a fucking massacre while 1 side sits in a boat in the middle of the ocean with a joystick controlling robots to call in strikes... fucking pathetic.