
You know that warning the game throws in your face when you boot it up? about racism and all that shit... I thought it would be about the use of the Nword... NEVER about how Anti-White the game was... I’m not white and even I’m cringing at some of the anti-white sentiment going on here... Is it deserved? Yeah sure but

I got this running on PC and even in 4k it looks like dog shit... runs like it too... glitchy mess... Worth $20 not $60, just wait it out.

I have to give props to Blizzard to make stupid shit like emotes and sprays endearing enough to get the masses of sheeple to give them money for loot boxes.. Cudos guys, you’re assholes but good job.

Holy shit! @YuRa_galaxxxy looks like an asian version of my girl.

Don’t ever try telling the Neanderthals over at gamefaqs that a game is a pos... they will rage until there’s nothing left...

Ah yes... the “CRAZY” trump supporters unlike the Sensible Common sense Hillary supporters that were calling Bernie Sanders a Anti-Semite HAHAHAHA

Gamers are pussies... oh wait we can’t say pussy now because of trump..

I can’t take this game seriously... when 15 is coming soon why... just why would they do this...

That box is about the size of my Zotac 1070 AMP EXTREME!

Buying a VIZIO for 4k is like wearing sandals for a marathon...

Buying a VIZIO for 4k is like wearing sandals for a marathon...

I’m having a hard time believing people weren’t doing the Nazi spam symbols and calling him a faggot... It’s the internet... You’re always gonna get that.

Weren’t people just ripping that fatboy from Duke for doing the same thing? OH BUT IT’S A GIRL SO CLEARLY ITS OK NOW!!!!!

It’s been amusing watching 2 old white racist assholes pretend who’s less racist, but I got work in the morning so I must tune out.

I automatically assume every white person I meet is racist, just better not be to my face or I will bitch slap them.

“Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora” yep, that sounds like spanish to me!

She’s Nicaraguan... I mean let’s be serious... a communist is telling Americans how to act LOL get real people

I cringed reading this, not at the racism... that i understand it’s the fucking internet but at the responses I knew would be posted here...

This season looks weak compared to the last few we’ve had...

I missed that quest on the game, saw it on youtube. Very interesting.

This quest was by far the highlight of Hearts of Stone. I was laughing outloud at some of the dialogue that was going on. It was very amusing. It reminded me a bit of that quest where Geralt has to pretend he’s a thief & rob one of Dandelions conquests then the “Crimson Avenger” has to come and save her. Haha good