It took awhile for this show to kick in... I expected a bit more...
It took awhile for this show to kick in... I expected a bit more...
I don’t know what the big deal is... Unless he’s being like a troll character on the game then I don’t see the problem. Sure EA should do better it’s not like they’re short on staff but what’s the big fucking deal? They can replace his twitter handle with mine, Gimme a few more follows ;D
So it’s creepy when it’s a waifu daki but when it’s a dude everyones gungho about it...
Yeah that’s smart... delay it the month before Persona 5 comes out so noone remembers your game in a few weeks.
I’d hit it!
I got my 3 year old nephew a 2ds, within 5 minutes he dropped it & alas’ it was not broken. From what I hear he’s dropped it a number of times now and it’s going strong. Tough lil cookies these things!
Are these the same people that claim trump has never paid taxes...
Baka Baka Baka Baka Baka Baka Baka Baka Baka Baka!
Brotherhood sucks, long live the original FMA!
People get really angry about playing 30 year old games you can now play on your phone... i don’t get it...
I don’t know but I read the headline as “Some people poop as groups” & I was expecting an article on how girls are syncing up their poop cycles... God I need coffee...
He needs to learn to internets first lol
WarHammer Online!
Obligated: “What is this WEEB SHIT?! Dating High School SIM Garbage! fucking weebs!”
I love how the paladin fanboys (I know... there’s fanboys for anything now adays) get fucking triggered at the mention of overwatch....
Shipping is more fun than playing the game.
Thats not true, I trained my cat to ignore all my commands... It’s working quite well I assure you!
I wanted one of these rascals but i heard from a few people who had some that they’re indeed a pain unless you train them... I do not have the time... so I got a cat instead :/
I already pre-ordered one... whether i can play it or not is really not a problem!
& people said Pokemon GO was a fad...