
This would make Joey very happy, his rattata is among the top %1 of rattatas.

More proof that white guys can go outside while holding guns and the worst that can happen is a shitty parody youtube video.

Can this gorilla just fucking die already.

Figmas are amazing, they make the best Miku figures... too bad they’re so small :(

Choreographed like most highlights now a days...

So the same fucking idiots crying about sexism and misogyny and the way gamers have a bad perception of women defend this cam slum LOL alright... carry on internets carry on.

Well Immigrants isn’t offensive to pussy ass liberals, it’s “Illegals”that they get all triggered about.

If you want more rape talks there’s a 4chan for that... just saying’

I don’t mind hecklers I find the amusing, because they’re lil shitheads that want to be heard (kinda like the internet!) but I just don’t get it on a videogame tourney... It’s not that fucking serious... like heckle real shit that’s a travesty like Trump or Hillary... not some dummy being good at smashing buttons on a

How did they KNOW they were going to lose? stop the bullshit...

What?! The newspaper that tried their hardest to bury sanders is supporting her? IM SHOCKED! *not shocked*

Ok, so much edge!

What people defending johnson? what a shocker...


Can we admit that the only reason why this is a story is because he’s supporting trump... if he was supporting hillary none of you would bat an eye and infact would support his fucking VR helmet?

People moaning about the balls getting dirty... ever been to a bar? Nothing but dirty balls...

Cartoons... *cringe*

If he was shilling for hillary you dipshits would call him a hero and “support” his shitty VR helmet... hypocrites.

But you never know when the Sausage might win!

Wait... holdup... are you telling me a bunch of basement dwellers who play Nintendo games & have probably NEVER interacted with a woman are having a hard time grasping the fact you can’t be shitty towards them?