
I’m waiting for the INEVITABLE PS4 PRO Persona 5 Bundle here in the states. It will happen... IT BETTER FUCKING HAPPEN!! xD

He’s saying that those 70k sales wouldn’t happen as people would rather buy the watered down version than shell out another 30k yen to buy a PS4 THEN the game.

God If I ever make it to 80 kill me... I can’t imagine living another 50 years in this fucking world... UNLESS we finally get a true VR Miku experience by then! xD

why are there no MEN judging? Are you guys are saying men have no style MISOGYNIST!

Basketball is one of the most boring sports to watch live, that’s why they’re blasting music and shooting up the t-shirt cannon every 2 seconds to keep people engaged. Everyone knows if it’s a blow out you leave early and on the offchance it’s a close game it’s a foul/freethrow’athon in the last minutes... BORING

That’s what i want to play a fucking moba... Do i even look asian to you?

I can’t muster up the energy to give a fuck.

EA is the fucking worst when it comes to licenses... This isn’t anything new.

/yawn I’m bored *changed channel*

Can we fucking stop with the “OMG THEY CLONED OVERWATCH HOW DARE THEY” literally EVERYTHING that’s semi successful gets ripped off... Blizzard doesnt own the rights to hero based fps games...

I cant wait to shit my pants!

I can’t get myself excited over anything... Battlefield 1 was good until I played that sand map... utter trash...

I feel old, growing up and using Adidas cleats back when they were cool... everyone had black ones with the white stripes....

I booted up rimworld last night to continue my old save.

Harambe would not approve of this if he was still alive.

Just shut the fuck up Nintendo and go away.

Is ubisoft in charge of final fantasy now? I hadn’t noticed...

How about less dancing and less bullshit and more balancing?

What happens when Hillary drops to the floor from a coughing fit?