
Space Ghost Coast to Coast was Cringe TV before Cringe TV even existed.

Fucking horses... can’t recall how many times they ran me over... GOOD kill the bastards!

A game where you can Waifu D.va? PSH... I have my body pillow already

The same fucking idiots that claim “blacks are mistreated and stereotyped” Also said in another post and I quote:“he should know better than to go into shark infested waters” HUH? WHAT?! Explain that to me... then listen to yourself talk LOL

I came here expecting to see if the attacker was black. CHECK

He’s just mad noones made a “Kumail” meme yet, mostly because we consider Indians to be insignificant. Come at me.

I can’t believe i forgot that part. Hysterical!

Growlithes breath can melt steel beams.

You might have a hoarding problem when you make DuckBirds carry your extra crap in bookbags.

“This will surely get kids back into Postage Stamp collecting right?

Right-o chap.

It’s about time someone took a hard stance against cat videos!

They simplified the art, that’s all... maybe all those korean animators won’t kill themselves for drawing so much now that it’s easier.

So the sjw’s have infiltrated anime... /sigh

Fuck Dinosaurs, MERMAIDS is where is at! We all know this.

If I got PTSD every time I saw a dank meme i’d be fucking rich!

Smells like bullshit to me... no wait that’s just the xbox one

I have no interest in the 3ds anymore...

The fact that the VERY FIRST THING they showed was a VITA