I used to look up miiverse on my 3ds for the art game, people make some really amazing drawings on there. Never cared to actually post though, this place looks like it’s rocking tho’
I used to look up miiverse on my 3ds for the art game, people make some really amazing drawings on there. Never cared to actually post though, this place looks like it’s rocking tho’
While playing Hearts of Stone I was SHOCKED that he spoke to a cat, turns out it was a demon thing inside the cat/specter creature w/e the fuck it was but he doesn’t seem to be fond of cats either...
I picked it up last week... haven’t received it... /sigh fucking post office
I picked it up last week... haven’t received it... /sigh fucking post office
I love how people are trashing SONY for the pro because they swallowed the KOOLAID for the Scorpio... Remember how the XB1 was supposed to be cloud based gaming and the future...
Sony how about you keep your waffer style gaming console.
I don’t watch dubbed Animu, it ruins the PLOT!
I’m currently playing thru the new tomb raider on PC (because I finally CAN play it on 4k!) and she’s just a worse Drake from Uncharted...
Whats under your blanket is hilarious, people are just turds being upset by that.
Grills playing Husbando games? SICK, THIS IS JUST SICK!
Did you at least get the Orendi figure for your troubles? I Know I did!
All I can say is that Hispanics are just waiting... white people and black people go ahead and kill eachother off. They’re waiting to take over once you’re done being morons.
I love the liberal hypocrites on this site...
That’s nice but do they have the guy that said and I quote
Team Rocket had a Dark Raticate before it was even cool!
I got the 250gb one for around 60 on ebay new...
I got the 250gb one for around 60 on ebay new...
My approach is simple: Buy as many figures as I can afford & display them all over my house. She’ll catch on eventually ;)
OK I’ll say it... Lost World is not as bad as people make it out to be.