
OH BOY look at the democrats whine and whine about the site... HAHAHHA if it was a republican we know who’d they’d blame...

My copy of Miku X gets here tomorrow, can’t wait!

That place must smell of ass and cum.

Any of the Hatsune Miku rhythm have the best soundtrack OBVIOUSLY!

Did you WATCH the democratic convention? All those white old people talking about patriotism and military bullshit... Yeah... keep thinking only republicans and conservatives are hypocrite war hungry monsters...

If he doesn’t want to stand up during the National Anthem that’s fine by me. My question is, how will he spend that time instead? He should be learning how to throw a football.. He’s looked AWFUL the last 2 years.

I’m slogging thru Witcher 3 trying to get to the DLC on PC.

They all look like a bunch of Sephiroths!

I always thought the Internet was a series of tubes

I tell you what, you give me the money instead and I’ll lie to your face! Just like in No Mans Sky!

This is just like when I was just about to buy a new Lappy (predator from acer that thing is a beast even though it has a old graphics card)

Meh... most PC games aren’t worth pirating anyways!

Stop looking for fucking Aliens... Humans are complete garbage... what makes you think we’ll find aliens that somehow are better than us and will treat us right? they’ll shit in our face before they kill us... we sure as fuck would do it to them if we felt like it (and actually could)...

I love white people out to destroy themselves... it’s just so funny to watch!

I watched bits and pieces of the Olympics on American TV.... everything was on fucking delay... why wait when I can watch it live on the computer for fucking free... GO fuck yourself NBC!

WTF cod? wow... that’s weird...

Quick Question, I have a Japanese and a US account both on my PS4.

Overwatch is a moba