
So JUST TODAY I picked up a copy of Tomb Raider (the new one) for PC. I got it installed plugged in my trusty dualshock 4 and NOTHING.... NOTHING! didn’t work... I’ve been playing Witcher 3 on my 4k TV hooked up to my new rig with no issues... this game... no go...

I find the lack of Miku disturbing... Mario isn’t even Japanese... he’s a greasy Italian!

You say this like it’s a bad thing...

I’ve never played Shadow of the Colossus, i feel like i’m missing out on something... but I don’t have a PS3 anymore :/

Ah ofcourse.. it’s because he’s black... i knew it.... /sigh & /yawn

You can delete all your google data... i do it about once a month

Umm... yeah I don’t like the way it looks...

So which one of these fruits ends up lying about being robbed and flies out back to their country while his buddies are detained? I’m guessing it’s the lemon...

This is why it’s so hard to take the AntiGun people seriously, they freak out over this bullshit... Meanwhile garbage like star wars is nothing but guns and space pew pews all day long... and they eat that shit up... dumb asses...

Ofcourse he collapsed before his asshole did.

Maybe he’ll evolve his Pikachu into a Surfing Raichu to win, you never know...

Seems to me like awhole lotta fucking whining vs the IOC because your american drunken asshole Olympians got caught being drunk american assholes overseas...

Same shit as fifa 16

If im gonna pay 27k for something, I want others to desire it as well.. this shitty lil watch... i doubt a thief is going to target me because they see me wearing it.

I’d rather wear a tacky oversized gold watch... at least someone would want to steal that shit... not some shit that looks like it came out of a cereal box.

I’m all for trashing on this game, but for this? you’ve gotta be a stupid asshole to believe the shit you’re spewing if you think this shitty game is sexist.

D.va i KOREAN not JAPANESE stop with the Animu crap... Koreans are different people... you racist fucks.

the question is, why weren’t you already?...

I hope that show is as good as the intro! can’t wait!

Good God Cartoon Network sucks now a days.. back in my day!