
Why does blizzard hate Zenyatta so fucking much? They buff him and nerf him like he’s some redheaded step child... wtf

So they reported that items were stolen, try to make the country seem like it’s full of criminals (which it is but that’s not the point) and then they’re mad they get questioned by cops... HAHA

Americans talking about Corruption in GOV. LOL you sure make me laugh gringo!

The very first time I started up a colony I got them to survive for quite awhile still learning the ropes, then a heatwave hits... wasn’t sure what to expect... 6 people drop dead all at once a few days later from strokes... I was heartbroken!

I don’t feel comfortable enough reading this let alone bringing myself to do it IN the game...too messed up!

This is how liberals convince themselves of the stupid shit they believe in by repeating it over and over.

Don’t worry we’ll get Hillary instead so everybody loses not just republicans!

i just got all of the dlc for $10 online, already had a copy of the game so gg.

Procedural generated creatures huh.. yeah.. im impressed... #notimpressed

WOW what’s wrong with you... here I was having a great day... now I’m super bummed... thanks ALOT!

Such an underrated show, I love riverbank girl!

That’s the worst RIG I’ve ever seen... it can’t even play Witcher 3 at 60 FPS on medium settings!

I’d apply but I don’t want to lose my perk of being a random online douche whenever I feel like it on a whim!

Liberals excusing funding Terrorism is the funniest fucking thing ever... Enjoy hillary you fucking morons.

WE LITERALLY just shed our monkey hairs and we’re demanding aliens to come and say hello... how fucking pompus can we get?

I can actually see why people would cheat on overwatch, if you pug because you have no friends you lose %90 of your matches

Stop doing this to soccer... EITHER ACCEPT IT or FUCK OFF but stop trying to change it to make it some sort of hispter game... FUCK OFF!


SJWs are the only one who think SJWs don’t exist, he’s sounding like a blatant denier.