
You mean a movie about a creepy old looking giant and a child isn’t a hit?... You don’t say...

What Bastion skin is that? I was under the impression only he qualifies for POTG!

This is SICK! it’s just like the Hunger Games.

Finished Star Ocean so I need to cleanse my pallet from the mediocrity... Not sure what to play next but I need something good.

I don’t drink beer, I think it tastes like piss. But I will drink a BudLight Lime anyday! No SHAME! #Proud

Americans have been doing this every night for the past 30 years, they just never decided to do it in front of a webcam.

No Miku Games? Pish Posh!

This remind me of the best blow up doll waifu, Momoko-Chan from 30 Sai No Hoken Taiiku!

That’s a great job interview

But will it call me Onii-chan? I must know!

Jesus, it’s just a video game. Stop beating yourself up.

They changed the ball physics so everyone can be a winner.

I’ve never wanted a reason more to buy a wii U just to join team Callie & shit all over those Team Marie scumbags!

Bunch of brokedick muhfuckas hating on a richboys car...

Dis gon b gud!

Because going to the Dentist wasn’t bad enough.

I remember playing UT 1 year...

I’m sorry, Am I supposed to feel bad for the most condecending people in the world getting buttblasted by a team full of vikings? I think not!

I upgraded from 7 Pro, I’ve yet to see improvements... maybe if I had vista... then I’d be happy.

This monstrosity will go NOWHERE NEAR my kawaii miku figures...