
This is what this game needed, release the Kotaku/Reddit crowd upon it so they make fools of themselves & then people buy it out of spite vs the SJW.

Both Packs cost Y8474 ($82) or you can buy them separately for half of that.

It came out last Thursday.. I’m very disappointed in you Fahey!

Journalism? I can’t think of anything more uncomfortable than having some Liberal or Conservative shithead shouting in my eyes about how Trump or Hillary are going to doom us all...

Between Hatsune Miku Future Tone (which is fucking amazing!) & Star Ocean... I’m going to be very hard to reach this week.

Psh... I thought my Mex7c0 entry was very funny and topical also the only international take!

They used to TAZZER motherfuckers for running into the pitch... WHy can’t we do that again? Is this country really that fucking pathetic that we can’t treat idiots like idiots... GOD DAMN, grow some ball you pussies... Tazzer these fucking retards.

So this is the highlight of the year for the Braves right?

%30 wow so he’s basically worthless... GG guis

I can’t wait for the Update & surefire apology that noone cares for or asked for but we all know it’s coming.

Is it just me of people just wanna shit on movies now a days? If you go by reviews every big movie sucks dick... only some independent piece of shit noones heard of is good in todays hipster reviewers eyes......

Still going thru the song list, the amount of content in this game is NUTS!

I’m playing Hatsune Miku Future Tone... so right now I don’t need any other games! MY GOD THERE’s SO MUCH CONTENT ON THIS GAME!!!!

Why does Boston Dynamics want to kill us? Who runs that place... were they dumped by a pretty girl so they want to bring the robot revolution to end us... WTF people...

You’re fucking retarded.

I don’t two shits what race murderer is... get fucking real dude...

Don’t do it! those maple suckers will kill you & just get a few months in jail, which it’ll probably be winter so they get free heating!

I’m sorry are you unsure that she did it? because it’ seems pretty fucking clear she did it...

Ebay is pretty expensive now adays... so... yeah this is why people take chances...

You seem to feel bad for a murderer... that’s something... i don’t know what to call it... but it’s something...