
Seems like Frieza conquered the Middle East without us noticing!

“You’re free to say whatever you want but you get to live with the consequences.” this is often said by liberals when someone who said something racist gets fired. Well.... It applies for other things too...


Lara is Level 92? That explains some things...

Maybe it’s because I’m a bit older but I’ve noticed this outright distate or hatred towards fat ppl in the past 10 years that I don’t think i ever saw before... In all facets of life they’re out to be shamed by skinny typically ugly people. They can’t beat beautiful people so they beat up on fatties. I’ve seen women

Robots are made by us, ofcourse they’re going to be flawed. It’ll take quite a while after they’re the ones making eachother (if you believe the matrix) for them to actually fix the human mistakes inbeded onto them.

I remember being in class (HS) and a friend showed me this import magazine and it had the Dreamcast in it with a bunch of games. Then he told me that it was coming out “today”.

not suggestive enough!

Why would you trust Canada with ANYTHING let alone something as important as CHIP FLAVORS!!!!

Sort Skittles into the Trash and open me up a bag of Peanut M&M’s instead :)

People KNOW they shouldnt upload nintendo videos or they will be taken down... Then people are SHOCKED when they are... Then they whine and complain...

this will not go over with the rabid fans since they’ll expect the same type of content and live action can’t do what anime does w/out crossing into some weird rating for adults only!


Battlefield 4 Shotguns right now feel like REAL SHOTGUNS I will destroy people with them and then load in 1 bullet at a time as i cower and hide =P

Wake me up when they’re doing rehash #20 and they finally reached the pokemon count up to par with how many Pokes actually exist...

Rawr, come and get me tiger!

I really enjoyed 3 the reason why I kept a WII U for so long other than splatoon.

Too many wants!

Yaoi much?