
Mirai & FIFA for me this month.

Changes are subtle but necessary!

I found Observational Bias to be interesting but on the other way around. I often find myself questioning “latest fashion” or “trends” because I don’t see enough or ANY people wearing said fashion or using said items that are in “style” at the time. So it reinforces my belief that fashion and trends are a sham by the

This game is going to force me to put down IA/VT Coloful and focus on Miku for a bit... Any other time this would be UNNACEPTABLE! but I can’t pass up such kawaii-ness :D

Makes me so happy to be back in the Winrar Circle!

Damon Wayans came out from under that rock he was hiding to spew some idioicy upon us before he rushed back in.

Eh... I still think mine beats all of those.

That’s hilarious, but now every routine will be inspected for dick shapes and or fellatio.

someones feeling a bit left out!

“Famous Youtubers”... Really?...

I like blowing up tanks... does that count?!

Amiibos exposed me to this... Grown men buying toys and calling it collectibles... I used to think it was OK but now... not so much.

So Reptiles and Birds can be dinosaurs but not fish? Racis!

Battlefield 4 3rd DLC in one of the map if you do a certain few events in a row you’ll get this megalodon shark (dinosaur) to jump out and explode everything around it!

This is all about money plain and simple, not about growing soccer, not about finding young talent and growing the sport in America... NOTHING it’s all profits.

Get with the times guis... this is old!

I really wanna play the VITA one, just never seen it on sale anywhere :(

Thanks ALOT now I will be saying “SLO...POKE!” all day long... /sigh