
I just sent this clown an email telling him I think he’s an idiot.

As long as poor desperate women are forced to have babies then the Republicans have done their job. After all, they need to ensure an underclass for the future rich to feed off of.

Dear Scotus: Please consider this as rebuttal to the argument that Texas women can just go to neighboring states.

Because if I don't laugh I'll cry.

They rant about Sharia Law while creating Sharia Law.

I hope every musician and enterprise would boycott Oklahoma over this just like they are doing in North Carolina.

I just lost my job today.

It’s a release from the Iranian govt, right? ISIS or some such shit?

It’s like all these people had brain abortions, and they seem fine with that.

It’s amazing that Republicans have not turned America into a third world country. They are so damaging at all levels of government. I read a few days ago that some people think they are independents politically. My god, how can any American with two neurons be an independent these days?

The bill, which contains no exceptions for rape or incest, would allow the legislature to revoke the license of any doctor who performs an abortion, effectively rendering the procedure illegal.

Ask North Carolina how “taking care of morality" has helped their economy...

“If we take care of morality,” David Brumbaugh, a Republican Representative in Oklahoma’s House , said during deliberations, “God will take care of the economy.”


There needs to be a term for this feeling i have surrounding this new phenomena of obviously awful movies that flop. Cinematic Schadenfreude or something like that. That Christian Bale egypt movie, the other egypt action movie and now this. I love it when audiences rebuff these obviously bigoted movies made by bigoted

I love the show. That said, I noticed a serious problem with the writing the moment the killed off Joffrey. (Aside from the fact that Joffrey was my favorite part of the show.) And once you notice it, you can’t unnotice it - which will diminish your enjoyment. Read ahead at your own risk:

I’ve been saying this since the third season. Martin wants the story to have the scope of history, and that’s great for actual history, but after a while makes for shitty narrative fiction because all the characters we care about will eventually disperse and die.

To be fair, yeah - just the thought of that alone gives me chills.

This is what has happened in the books as well- but I think there’s a wider purpose. Martin has said that he always intended to reunite characters after drawing them apart to allow them to grow individually.

Bummer about the homophobia. I’m going to call this now: As a Jehova’s Witness, Prince would have refused blood transfusions and any medicine containing blood products (plasma, platelets). That might have killed him.