
Schools have a media policy? What a bunch of baloney. I hope you recorded her ass.

Translated: We’re desperately calling law firms, hoping we can find one that can cut our monetary damages as low as possible, and is scummy enough to destroy the integrity of a 12-year old girl without a second thought.

Sure, but my son was nearly suspended for three days because he filmed a fight and its aftermath in his high school cafeteria. The principal explained that it was a violation of their “media policy” and she didn’t want the school’s reputation to be harmed. I spent about two hours negotiating her out of it.

I’m glad everyone has a video camera with them at all times now. This stuff has always gone on. Now we know about it.

are investigating a possible case of excessive force

Well, at least Kanye got to have sex with the one he truly loves.

Groooooooooosssss. Ughhhh. How would you ever be able to look at your dad again knowing he started “dating” your mom when she was just barely a teen and he was a fully grown adult!

And didn’t her dad start dating her mom when she (Melanie) was like 14?!

Thank you for this, you’ve done a great service to us all.

A former boss of mine divorced her husband 30 years ago, and shortly after he moved about 500 miles away. They remained cordial, though, because of the kids, and eventually they re-fell in love. They got remarried 10 years ago, but he never moved back. He still lives in another state; they take turns spending the

they have sex only when wanting to procreate

That's the key to any happy marriage.

I’m currently getting a divorce but this is my dream scenario with any potential second husband.

Hating Henry Cavill seems like it would be a very easy thing to do. The man has about as much personality as a moldering half-eaten saltine cracker.

  • Dakota Johnson hates her stepdad, Antonio Banderas, because he started dating someone 20 years younger than he is.
  • Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill “hate” each other.

I would feel like a literal god if I dumped Michael Fassbender. Like I would never have another moment of self-doubt or insecurity ever again for as long as I lived.

Vikander dumping Fassbender for being a flirt? Nah.

They say that like it’s a bad thing?

looks like Ben’s got competition.