
She looks like a crazy marionette with half her strings cut off. Is she one drugs?

This is a veritable cornucopia of stupid. I think I need to go lay down for a bit because my brain hurts.

Wow, between the Ukrainian war, the spreading ISIS threat, growing number of police shootings and now this, 2015 is turning out to be a real shitshow so far.

And what is that oh so clever commenter contributing to society? Has he invented the cure against AIDS? Solved world hunger? I doubt that.

You are a malevolent god

To make her announcement crystal clear

I used to find Miley really annoying when she was first going through the “let’s make everything edgy and sexy and look at me I’m dressed in leather and doing strip tease on an ice cream stall” phase, but lately I find that I’m starting to really like her. She does her own thing, doesn’t give a shit about fitting in

Can someone please explain to me how to use dry shampoo correctly?

Can someone please explain to me how to use dry shampoo correctly?

Here. Let me help you out.

“I did not have sex with that woman(‘s husband).”

The Cumberbaby has arrived! Finally!

How about no? Seriously, how hard is it to just keep it in your pants for a night? (I could understand if this were a longer arrangement, but if it’s just a sleepover/weekend? You’ll survive.)

Actually, it’s the gays who are causing the drought, not abortions.

Michelle Duggar should star in a remake of Misery. She’s got the crazy eyes down to an art form.

Oh great. Now I’m sobbing into my breakfast. What a great dog.

That one definitely deserves the “disaster” label. Poor guy.

Yeah, I first thought it was a case of a crazy ex trying to keep his former partner from getting married to a new guy (which is crazy, but jealousy can drive people to do weird things), but keeping a woman from going somewhere as a guest? That’s super weird and raises a million red flags.

Please tell me she broke up with him. If a guy is willing to do extreme things like this to ban the girlfriend from going to a wedding, who knows what he might do next. Get away from him as soon as possibble, girl! Run while you can!

This. When I started reading that quote, I was like “Yes! They finally understand! Really, how much better is it for parents to have children that were wanted, expected and maybe even planned. (which is part of what pro-choice means to me - the ability to decided IF and WHEN you want to have children).

Spoiler alert: Your cat will never love you. Ever. You may temporarily placate it with gifs but you will never win her heart because she doesn’t have any. I’m sorry.