
I’m slowly but surely starting to get alergic to the word “modesty”. Ten times out of ten it’s being used as some arbitrary bullshit rule to police women’s behavior, nearly always made up by a bunch of some super-orthodox men of some kind (and it doesn’t matter if they’re Jewish/Muslim/Christian - the stuff they spout

From this year onwards, all movies shall feature a crazy guy playing a guitar that shoots flames.

UPDATE: Gawker just posted an article claiming that the flyer is a fake. Apparently that’s what the real estate agency is claiming.

She understands me so well.

This will probably piss some people off, but I don’t think people with small children should fly with them unless they absolutely have to. Little kids cry a lot because their ears are hurting, they don’t know what’s happening to them and toddlers keep throwing tantrums out of boredom because the flight is long.

Way too much crust. I love pizza, but I often end up not eating the crusts if they’re too thick because they’re chewy and tasteless and I’d much rather eat the meat/cheese/vegetable goodness in the middle. Why the hell would you add MORE crust to a pizza?

I think it all comes down to being able to agree on things both people want. If both are cool with either option (marriage/no marriage), then it’s all good. But if one partner really wants a marriage and the other can’t stand the idea, the relationship won’t end up well. I don’t begrudge anyone for wanting to get

Dude. Either get a tailor, or learn how to tuck your shirt in. This looks sloppy as hell.

Exactly! Like, if you’re that desperate to get married and he isn’t proposing, just propose yourself! Or, if he’s not proposing because he doesn’t want to be married to you, then break up with him and find someone who will, if being married is so important to you (and you care more about being married than the person

It does, at least to me. My view (which may come across as naive, but I really believe it) on this is that religion should be something that people use as an inspiration, as something that motivates them to be better people (if they believe. Of course it’s perfectly possible to be a wonderful, good, moral person

This hedgehog is the cutest. Aww I just want to cuddle him.


This. I always find it baffling when religious people ask atheists: But how do you know what’s moral if you don’t believe in god? What’s stopping you from just killing people/stealing everything?

Oh, please, these two things are, like, totally the same - they both involve a vagina, don’t they? Who needs nuance or context when there is a vagina involved. Someone saw/touched a vagina, therefore - sin. Done. Just pray a lot and it will go away.

Yet once again proving that pregnancy and having an unwanted baby is supposed to be a punishment for having sex and nothing else. If only those underaged (and unmarried!) sluts hadn’t had sex, none of this would have happened. Now they have to face the “consequences”.

“...the 14 year old boy should probably be left alone to live a good life, just like girls who do the same thing.”

No, it’s your fault because you obviously don’t understand that their kid is a unique and special snowflake. He’s not running around screaming - he’s just giving voice to his developing personality. And of course he didn’t hit that kid - the kid was probably mean to him and bullying him first. They know that, because

Because if you happen to be a woman who tries this tactic, you’re suddenly a bitchy shrew who should shut up and let the men talk. Or better yet, shut up and go make some coffee.