
Ain't that the truth.

Oh, so we're doing the whole thing where you won't argue a position, just constantly redefine whatever you're saying away from what I'm discussing so that you can pull the "I don't have to educate you" bullshit card and flounce away. I'll take that as an admission that this logical train wreck of an article can't be

Your opinions are hysterical because they're ridiculous, not because you're a woman (are you? am I? does it matter? this is the realm of ideas, not ad-hominems). If you want to make yourself look like an idiot by saying "Daniel Tosh was actually going to rape those women right there in the theater, that's why he said

Funny is funny, some rape jokes are funny, some aren't. Mickey Rooney pretending to be Japanese (not Chinese, try to learn the difference before going on crusades for diversity) isn't. I would give it some leeway if it was, but not blanketly. Things can be both offensive AND funny; one does not determine the other.

That's true. It's a good thing the majority of real feminists are working on problems like that and not going down the rabbit hole of being the joke police like the paid-by-pageview shit-stirrers on Jezebel, who I will never assume speak for the majority or the mainstream of either feminists or women.

No, it's NOT what he did. That woman was never actually in danger of being raped. Daniel Tosh was not threatening to rape her. Your hysterics do not change this no matter how high-volume you pitch your drama about everyone who disagrees with you being a rapist.

Yeah, the linked article is what convinced me that this whole crusade is bullshit. "When someone liked by frat douches like Daniel Tosh tells a rape joke, it's because he's literally a rapist using his magic reality-influencing word powers to cause women to be raped. When hipster darling Louis CK does it, we all know

People joke about those things ALL THE TIME and no one says they are secretly apologists for terrorism or murder. This has been brought up in every rape joke thread—"transgressive" comics DO talk about all the other topics under the sun and the absurdity of thinking they or their audience are cheering on their

Probably not cool. But the incident in question had nothing to do with the gender of participants. If a man had been as narcissistic as the women were in this case and started shouting out the results of his self-appointed joke policedom during a joke that mentioned rape, Tosh could have said "it would be funny if you

As you well know, the definition of rape in most people's minds until very recently was "the sexual assault of an impeccably chaste wealthy white woman by a foreign or black man to whom she is not married." Rape by white men, rape of prostitutes, marital rape, or rape of someone who could even be alleged to have

He responded to them as hecklers, not as women. Equal treatment for equal assholes. Having a vagina is not a be-a-fuckhead-for-free card.

But "troll" on this site usually does mean "people who disagree with an article."

Do you see a difference between "I disagree with the premise that mentioning rape in a comedic act is somehow encouraging, excusing, or equivalent to rape" and "I think posters on this forum should be raped?"

Yes, as I've said, the root of this phenomenon is people without a sense of humor being angry that other people are able to enjoy comedy. Thank you for confirming that this is just a war on the concept of jokes.

How is the "everyone who has even a slightly different opinion than me about anything is a 'troll'" strategy working out for your life?

By the way, if you go TO A SHOW and YELL AT THE PERFORMER what your dumb opinion about his jokes is, he will unleash on you, as he should. I have absolutely no problem with what Daniel Tosh said. There's about five million miles of difference between telling someone "you should be raped" out of the blue and saying it

You're just handwaving away the part where any "rape joke" (and by the way, the most annoying part of this phenomenon has been expanding the definition of disallowed "rape jokes" to things like "the guy from the Oatmeal said 'raping my keyboard' — are keyboards oppressed too now?) is automatically "making fun of

But it IS oversensitive to take a joke that exists solely on the premise that rape is a transgression and turn it into "supporting rape" or literally the same thing as rape.

Too bad the real problem is that people who are victimized and never get properly treated for it get irritated when other people experience joy that they cannot. The "rape" part of the "rape jokes" is not what the Internet shiterati have a problem with, it's the "joke" part. This is a war on comedy from people who are

He owes his kids half of that box of french fries and 5 McNuggets.