
Oh great, the graduates of the Internet School of Made-Up Law are here to assume everyone is as dumb as they are.

Wait, what the fuck does this have to do with gun laws?

Dude, are you talking shit about mid-major women's softball?

People drink to get drunk. Beer tastes like shit, and all the people who just finished their freshman year and think they are sophisticated for drinking $19-a-bottle imported Luxembourg stout and making jokes about Coors couldn't tell the difference between the two in a blind test. It doesn't matter how long your pour

I know people at this site have an authority fetish, but this seems like a good opportunity to remind you even if you are unwilling to listen that:

At what point does every Christian leader saying something in line with their belief system stop being news, and we instead start holding individual Christians responsible for continuing to prop up this worthless edifice?

Just remember what the left won't let you forget: people who think this way having access to nuclear weapons is a great thing and anyone who disagrees is part of the Jewish conspiracy.

Homosexuality isn't a "sin" and there is no such thing as "God", you mental child.

Porn isn't sexuality. Are you a 12-year-old boy?

There isn't going to be any "dialogue" or "complex issues," just more fantasy-land bullshit about how porn is a rational choice that empowers women from fictional Internet characters like your "former sex worker, current ivy league grad student."

200 children were killed by Obama's drone strikes last year.

Yes. Funny how only atheists can understand the concept of objective morality these days.

If she was capable of thought or morality, she wouldn't be religious, would she?

Watching the UFC fans poke their head out of the windows of the shortbus to bitch about this is pretty fun. BTW, if I ever meet this nozzle I'm addressing him as "Kyle." "Chael" isn't a name and I'm not subscribing to anyone's delusion that it is.

Can I get an invitation to the heterosexual wedding you will be having after you graduate from college and are done "experimenting"? Thanks.

Just because someone asked a question doesn't mean your answer isn't the exact sort of narcissistic "ooh ooh I want to be a minority too, it sounds like such a great life experience for my resume" drivel that we've all come to expect from oppression tourists. Any gay who isn't "biphobic" has no self-respect.

Oh look it's the Oppressed Bisexual coming along to ask why she anyone should care about a sentence if it's not talking about HER. When you are keeping one foot in the straight world so you can go to the prom and maintain plausible deniability for your parents, you don't deal with the same issues as actual gays. The

Are we allowed to talk about Indian culture yet or is that still racist according to people who think only white women are deserving of not being raped?

Sure, I agree with that and just like drug use I think that legalization is a great way to make sure the consequences are contained to the people who engage in it instead of magnified into larger social problems. Still, any falsehoods being accepted as axiomatic in a discussion will lead to incorrect conclusions about

So when the did the idea that prostitution is an economic constraint or a rational lifestyle choice as opposed to an aspect of pathology or addiction engaged in by people being physically coerced by pimps become unquestionable dogma? I am not trying to blame these people, but this notion is causing huge trouble in