
Is there anything we can do to reduce teen pregnancy that this website doesn't have a problem with, or is the ultimate Jezebel feminist a pregnant adolescent porn star?

It's essentially impossible to hold a cop responsible for anything. DAs are part of the system—they don't feel any moral compulsion to hold cops to the standards of the law and will probably not want to file charges in the first place. On the rare occasions that they do, it's automatic that other cops will lie for

Cops don't go to prison.

Well, the important thing is that no one criticize Islam or any Muslim for anything ever.

It's easy. Just poke at the story for like, five minutes. Don't accept what people say because you want it to be true so hard. It comes undone if you put any effort into it at all.

Yeah, OK, fall back into "ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME" and double-middle-finger your way out of the conversation. That's always the right answer.

People who become prostitutes or porn stars are either survivors of sexual abuse, abandoned kids, or drug addicts. The difference is that this is the only kind of "sex worker" and it's the reason they do it. It doesn't compare to the fact that some people in regular jobs were also abused.

Generally it's hard to talk to people still involved in prostitution or pornography because, as I've said, keeping up the persona where they just "are very sexual people, tee hee" is part of the game—it's like interviewing a pro wrestler on a late-night talk show, their job is on the line if they let the cloud of

Can't wait to pay for other people's homeopathy, ear candling, and goat sacrifices now.

You sound like you make a lot of rational, informed choices.

Jezebel: no-science, anti-thought, pro-wackadoodle zone since 2006 or whatever.

Because I think wrestling/porn is fake, I'm a "bad person" who should die? OK.

The fact that you have a body does not make you a doctor, and yeah, I obviously do know more about it than you since you fucking think chiropractors are beneficial!

Thanks for the rational dialogue. The point is, no, it's not "just a job." It's a pathological acting-out of deep-seated trauma. This doesn't make them bad people, but we can't just go around pretending the world is the way we wish it was (porn stars just like sex a lot! being a prostitute is like working at Burger

"Adjusting your back and hips" isn't a thing that actually happens. This is a scam and you wanted to believe.

Not surprised to find a bunch of people on this site defending pseudomedicine.

Combination of: Placebo effect, wishful thinking, never had anything wrong with you in the first place. Nutty non-medicine cures nutty non-conditions that nutty people have.

Getting triple-penetrated on camera isn't something regular people do in their regular lives no matter how much some weird ideology has made you convinced that you have to pretend it is.

"YOUR feeling are stupid and not real and you should stop having them because you're a dumb baby who can't take criticism. MY feelings are literally the most important thing in the universe and saying something I don't like is exactly the same as rape if not worse."

Jews and most Protestants also believe that married women have a right to sexual attention and have no problem with married people having sex for reasons of enjoyment. Catholicism is unique among major religions in looking down on all non-procreative sex. However, Judaism in its traditional forms, the great majority