Couldn't agree more! Have fun with a car and if you can make some money off of it, perfect. If not, you had a kickass car that you can brag to the grand kids about one day.
Couldn't agree more! Have fun with a car and if you can make some money off of it, perfect. If not, you had a kickass car that you can brag to the grand kids about one day.
On the bright side the owner can now start a company (Learn to Park) specializing in honing your parking skills in NYC.
No kidding! Now just gotta find out what those cars are going to be...
Crazy right!? It's like the car gods are dangling these cars in your face and unless you can pull the trigger within 3 years, you've lost them!
Not seeing your point here?
Yeah from 2012 on they are beasts.
Bring some of the power crazy M diesels over here and toss in an LR diesel too.
If only the GTD was coming here. That would be your solution
The SRT-4 might fall into a "most likely to be stolen" category though (which would affect the rates). Honda Civics fall into this category and tend to have higher rates than their competitors.
The lift is about the only big thing about that driver
100% of me wants the diesel (Insert Diesel's copyright)
As if we needed another reason to hate Quebec. Only good things they have going - the F1 race and poutine.
LOL. Couldn't agree more!
M2. Okay, I'm listening
Hey Doug, couldn't agree with you more on loving Monaco. Been to the F1 race there twice and was blown away with the cars around there. Veyron, check. Enzo(s), check. Dacia Sandero, check.
Agreed. My 90% was in reference to drivers of all types of cars.
Enzo it begins
Any track not shaped like an oval
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