And you have to look away from the road to try to find the info you want on a cluttered screen. Suckville, population you.
And you have to look away from the road to try to find the info you want on a cluttered screen. Suckville, population you.
And that is the problem. Everything is controlled via a screen that you have to look at, vs. discrete tactile controls that don’t require you to take your eyes off the road.
There is a big difference between a lack of grill and a center mounted touch screen master control.
I’m fine with changes made for good reasons.
Just what we need, more people distracted by screens in a car.
Well when you’re job requires it now because everything is digital instead of paper like it used to be than yeah that’s a big problem.
Good on them.
Yeah, after a twitter take-down in a brief bit of clarity she realized it was all her own doing:
Nah, bro. Lena Dunham gets attacked because she both invites it and deserves it. And you also know deep down she loves it.
Adopting a pet you already know that your significant other is allergic to is one of the the most low-key passive-aggressive bullshit things I’ve ever heard.
Is this the same person who was jealous of the women who were fortunate enough to have an abortion? Or am I confusing this person with the woman who assumed OBJ must be misogynistic for not being interested in her goofy ass at some gala?
I have weathered a lot of micro-scandals but this one hurts MOST, because of the vulnerability of letting people know Lamby and my story, and because I miss him so damn much. I know I’m a lot of fun to place your issues on, but I won’t let anyone hang their hat on this peg. Not this time.
“It’s just hard to believe the dog was nasty when she took Lamby to every green room with her when Girls was still a thing 4 years ago.”
It proves two things:
Those were not normal passengers, but an employee and their family flying on a discounted/free ticket. Those tickets have a somewhat more relaxed than business casual dress code associated with them, but specifically ban spandex type stuff. Of course it was a dumb move to deny boarding to the kid over such a harmless…
I don’t agree with the “income from sitting on your ass” of capital gains. It’s income from risking your savings to help others generate work and jobs.
It says it’s UL listed, but none of the marks nor the maker name come up on the UL verification website.
It says it’s UL listed, but none of the marks nor the maker name come up on the UL verification website.
I usually buy an XL for myself, eat 2 or 3 slices and immediately freeze the rest. Once frozen, pack em in zip bags best for freezers and they'll be really good for 2 weeks.
When you feel like it, just thaw and put em in the toaster oven. They'll come out crispy and the cheese real chewy. Dammit i want a pizza now!
Just because you buy it all at once doesn't mean you have to eat it all at once.