To be perfectly honest, I felt more degraded in a minimum wage, blue-collar, low paying, service job than I ever did doing porn.
To be perfectly honest, I felt more degraded in a minimum wage, blue-collar, low paying, service job than I ever did doing porn.
Anybody else not seeing an "edit" button anywhere? It claims you can edit the movie, but I guess I'm internet stupid because I can't figure it out. :(
And I will avenge my brother's death by...vandalizing his grave site?
Salting stairs in Georgia? They don't know that salt melts snow (see: Snopocalypse 2014).
Heh heh heh.
"Here was a large, unkempt, suspicious-looking man, threatening to make lists about my kids, then break into my house tonight with a 'delivery'. I acted on instinct."
I'm Portuguese. The thing is.... Of cpurse is a steriotype but there's a large comunity of Portuguese working in France. 1 million almost. They live to the comunity and most of them, who live there gfor many many years, never learn how to speak french. They work in portuguese restaurants, go to portuguese supermarkets…
If that's not the epitome of unexamined privilege—declaring that the airport is your favorite place—then I don't know what is.
Precisely. All the theories start and end with "too fast." There's simply no way around this fact. You can say the rear tires were worn (probably), the car was twitchy at the limit (yep), or that the dots unsettled the chassis (could be). But you'll never escape the fact that each of these have zero probability of a…
I have a low tolerance for stupidity. I have been involved with organized racing and track events for many years and there is NO excuse to do stupid shit like this, especially when you have more than enough money to do it in a controlled, safe, setting.
man people are just looking for SOME kind of excuse.
God, nothing pisses me off more than that. Awstyn, Madisynne, Lilleigh . . . You want your kid to have a "unique" name? THEN CHOOSE A DIFFERENT FUCKING NAME. Don't just take a common name and spell it like an imbecile. Arrrghhh!!!
No scope for imagination, these people. I swear to Anne.
Not just Madison, but all of its permutations: Madisyn, Madyson, Maddisonne, Madysynn, etc. from all the parents trying to be "unique" with a dead-common name.
Scrolling through and slowly watch the "Madison" infect other states was my horror movie of the day. "No!!! It's spreading!!!"
You pretty much ruined an incredible show for yourself. Going back and watching it from the beginning knowing what you now know would be like starting The Wire after you already know what happens to Stringer and Omar.
Because one article on this wasn't enough?
"Speed doesn't kill, stupid people do no speed limits freedom Jeremy Clarkson yada yada bla bla bla"
I understand that this is a car blog and that you cover all aspects of car culture, but I kinda think that this is one of the few things that is better left unpublicized. Internet fame is all these jackasses are after, and any mention of them (even when followed by stern warnings that what they did is stupid and no…
Just as I suspected...the type of toolbag that would pull a stunt like this is the same type of toolbag that thinks dubstep is cool.