
It’s so depressing to see another one of my trans sisters pass away. She was an amazing gamer and a brave, beautiful woman. I know there are ignorant people in the comment section of this post, but their uneducated ramblings cannot tarnish her legacy and accomplishments. She has inspired transgamers everywhere. We're

I am praying it wasn’t suicide, We are seeing so much depression and self destruction in the gaming world, So many unrealistic expectations with Twitch and monetization. I Pray that we can get to a world where happiness and playing games for fun reigns supreme again. 

Hold our beer - Alabama

How’s the water? - Flint

Personally, I like that they’re not faking Russian accents, since it usually comes across as cartoonist. I suppose Russian actors would have been a good idea, but, then you have to find enough that can speak English well enough to really pull off all the parts.

Damn Detroit, you scary. - Somalia

Cleveland looks like a fairly pleasant place. - Detroit

Chernobyl looks to be a fairly pleasant place. - Cleveland.

Eesh, I keep bouncing off of Syndicate every time I try to play it. The characters do nothing for me and I think the open world fails to click for me, especially since Black Flag really surprised me at how much fun I was having exploring the world.

0/10 - did not put novelty giant googly eyes on face

Bitch.... Michelle O accomplished more in her life BEFORE she became first lady than you and your whole tornado bait trailer trash family have ever even read about. Double Ivy League Graduate. Lawyer. Hospital Administrator. Mother. Go getter. Accomplisher of many things, not the least of which is to be married to a

esports are the worst thing to ever happen to gaming

Okay, so you hate sports. Great. Lots of other people like them, video game or not.

Hint: let people enjoy things they like.

“Guns aren’t the problem. Look at Chicago, where there are strict gun crimes!”

“Nothing can be done,” says only country where this regularly happens.

This is adorable as hell.

Oh Adulthood. Im holding off on the Wife and Child DLC for as long as I can.

You come in, hoping to read some gaming news and then...

The game is garbage, you know it’s garbage, but you just keep playing hoping all that money you spent on it will actually be worth it at some point even though you know it probably won’t.

Just saw the developer tweet below. At least they’re aware some of us think the saving mechanic is dumb lol