50 million retards more like it.
50 million retards more like it.
This made my day. LOL
If I had a Xbox and couldn’t afford Star Citizen I would be mad too. LoL
Trust me you don’t wanna do that. I got myself a PS4 and barely have used it. Just Save Dat Money.
Still one of the greatest Game of all time to me. I remember login into the Zone and finding matches was like the start of PC gaming for me.
Yeah man I hear you, people now and days are too spoiled.
yeah but if rockstar keeps on screwing up the online community people will always find a way.
I still see that huge T-rex billboard in my head like it was yesterday.
Did you all forget about NFS:Underground 2!
yup sounds about right buddy :)
just modded mine couple days ago it not to far away from this
some people are just jealous of Star Citizen or just don't have a good enough pc to play it.
This game is super addictive. I Love it!
3 years for 100 grams what a joke, it's just weed people. Worse things out there and they worried about weed, come on China this is 2014 everyone smokes weed or tried it.
Some people just don't know. (Shakes head)
The biggest ship they building right now will hold 50 minimum, and it will also hold ships that's how big they are going to be.
you could be right just like the predator did against arnold