
The San Luis Obispo Kings have been on quite a roll lately.

Boy, good luck NFL, with Breast Cancer Awareness 2014. This should be pretty fucking epic.

The problem is IF Ray Rice is a serial domestic abuser, there is a good chance the victim of said repeat abuse would be reluctant to admit to this while he's present.

Sure, run along kid, the grownups need to talk.

You're suggesting that Janay Rice would alter her statement due to the immediate presence of a person who had beaten her unconscious in public before. Stretching it a bit, aren't you?

Geale did provoke him.

I think this person meant that Ray Rice's violence towards women was the red flag, but I could be mistaken.

One of the most offensive parts to this whole story is that this woman actually married Ray Rice after he beat her unconscious. Shouldn't that be a red flag to say the least?

You've got a thick manly neck I bet. Lucky.

The guy said some terrible things about victims of abuse, reaffirmed said statements all over Twitter in the hours following it, and then used his non-apology on the matter of domestic abuse as a teaser/lead-in promo for their usual glut of mindless blathering on irrelevant matters.

It was ... unconvincing.

A pre-taped, scripted apology....yep, no one's hiding here.

At this point, he's just asking for it.

Overrated list makers, Ranked

Where on earth does this "one-quarter off" rule come from, besides your own ass?

Oh man, this take is so hot I'm roasting marshmallows over it.

Hot Take!!!!!

On behalf of Edgar Martinez I would like to say fuck you MLB. That he can't make the hall of fame, it's more than just a shame.