
I have to assume "Summer Steele" is her on-screen porn name, not a real name.

Couple of virgins.

Seriously. I'm pretty surprised by Will's comment there. Not only is DH3 great when compared to other 2nd sequels (I mean, what are the chances that a 3rd installment of any franchise is going to be watchable?), it's a damn entertaining movie in its own right.

but they were still all pretty good, save for maybe the one with Samuel L. Jackson

There are only two diehard movies, the original, and vengeance. All of the other ones are myths that can be debunked on snopes.

Calling Die Hard With A Vengeance anything other than 'pretty good' is criminal. It's good enough, damn it.

"None of the Die Hard movies after the first one had much reason to exist, but they were still all pretty good, save for maybe the one with Samuel L. Jackson."

Monorail... Monorail... Monorail... Monorail....

Forget it Jake, its Candlestick.

Yes, if you take an outsized share of the blame/fallout.


nice tweet by King at the end, a season saver. good for him, he needed that.

I swear I think they do it on purpose now.

It would help if the video clip didn't contain 4-5 different frame skips.

Yeah, no. He definitely fell down on his own.

They're too busy covering golf.

Maybe Morris would've had better numbers if he pitched a baseball instead.

Great piece, Barry - especially coming from an antirooter.

"Finally, a guy who didn't kill too many rallies that I can root for!"